A5 Pitching an Innovation

Although ideas can be easy to come by, innovation requires a true commitment of resources (people, money, time, equipment, etc).  For this assignment, all effort will be devoted to refining the concept and producing a compelling pitch that will appeal to potential funders.  Each team will refine their brand, iterate on their prototype, quantify their business model, and create a final pitch video, crowdfunding campaign, and a final poster.

The crowdfunding pitch should clearly and succinctly explain the problem space, the proposed solution, what the funding will enable, and a list of rewards for funders. Teams will construct a campaign on Kickstarter.com or another crowdfunding platform. After the quarter ends, teams have the option to launch their campaigns! 

Learning Goals:


Your grade for this assignment will be determined based on a video, a poster, and a final PDF of all your team materials, and adjustments based on peer evaluation.

What to do

This assignment starts in Week 8 and finishes in finals week. The final graded deliverable is the PDF of your slide deck posted to Canvas (by only one team member) by 11:59pm on June 13 which will include links to your team's final poster, pitch video, crowdfunding campaign, and budget. Teams will also show off their video and poster during the final showcase on June 13 (11:30am-2:30pm)

All other dates below are interim deadlines to share work-in-progress drafts. Please share drafts as links in the Course Dashboard before class on the days we are scheduled to share and critique (drafts are not graded).  In brackets, we include interim deadlines and guidelines on the # of homework hours and teammates to allocate to each step. This assignment adds up to ~5 hours of work per teammate outside of lecture.

After getting feedback on the script, produce a video no longer than 2 minutes. This video can use live action video or the "video-sketch technique" of narrating over still photos (i.e., the Ken Burn's effect). You can also use stock photos/videos, as long as you have the proper permission to use them for creative projects (e.g., Google advanced search helps you find photos with Creative Common licenses).  Teams can use any video editing software. Microsoft Movie Maker is available for free on Windows machines and iMovie comes installed on Mac OS. Pay great attention to how you record the audio for your video. Poor audio quality is the biggest weakness of past videos. Make sure to use a good microphone and record the audio in a noise-free environment. Mix in a sound track to help give your video a professional feel. [final video link should be posted to the Course Dashboard on June 12 the night before the final showcase as well as in the final slide deck; ~3 hours for 2-3 team members]

Some good examples:

Some good examples:

Resources and Tools

Grading Rubric

Students will be graded as a team for A5. This includes materials in the team folder, as well as the master slide deck PDF submitted as a URL to Canvas. In addition, teams will be subject to the Late Assignments policy, as specified on the Logistics page.  All students must fill out a team peer evaluation at the end of this assignment (will be sent out later), which can effect the grades of individual students.  Here are the main considerations: