A3 Creating and Validating User Scenarios

Storytelling is the most basic form of communication. Learn how to communicate your ideas clearly, concisely, and concretely through storyboards. Sharing early-stage storyboards can lead to better and/or new ideas, so teams should be prepared to listen, take notes, and pivot on their ideas throughout the process.

Learning Goals


Your grade for this assignment will be determined based on a presentation during lecture and a final PDF of your slide deck:

What to Do

This assignment starts in Week 4 and finishes at the end of Week 6. The final graded deliverable is a PDF of your slide deck posted to Canvas (by only one team member) by 11:59pm on May 10. All other dates below are interim deadlines to share work-in-progress drafts. Please share drafts as links in the Team Dashboard before class on the days we are scheduled to share and critique (drafts are not graded).  In brackets, we include interim deadlines and guidelines on the # of homework hours and teammates to allocate to each step. This assignment adds up to ~6 hours of work per teammate outside of lecture and studio.  

Use this information to populate the Miro collaborative brainstorming template (click on the template title at the top, then create a new account if you don't have one, then "Duplicate" to make a copy of this for your own team).  During studio on April 26, teams will be grouped with other teams for a series of brainstorming exercises on each other's projects.  Ultimately the goal here is to generate many plausible solutions for the team's HMW questions.  Aim to generate 20+ potential concepts for each HMW question so that you can select the top six problem-solution pairs for the next step. [in class activities on April 25 and April 26, and keep going outside of class; ~1 hour for whole team]

Then portray these as simple illustrated storyboards. Each storyboard should include a title that summarizes the problem and ~four frames (3-6 frames in length) that clearly communicate 1) the context (setting, stakeholders, etc.), 2) the problem, 3) the proposed solution, and 4) a resolution (how the stakeholder feels after using the proposed solution).  These ideas will be shared online so be sure to use digital text for any dialogue or scripts, as handwritten text can be hard to read.  You can illustrate each frame on paper and then compile them into a digital storyboard, or use one of the digital storyboarding tools listed above. You can find some examples of storyboards here.  [Share drafts of scenarios & storyboards in class on Tuesday April 30, and refine storyboards in time for interviews; ~2 hours for whole team]

Include slides for:

Resources and Tools

Grading Rubric

Students will be graded as a team for A3. This includes materials in the team folder, as well as the overview slides submitted as a PDF to Canvas.  In addition, teams will be subject to the Late Assignments policy, as specified on the Logistics page.  All students must fill out a team peer evaluation at the end of this assignment.