A4 Launching Probes

Prototypes elicit a very different kind of feedback than storyboards. By showing potential users something more concrete, like a website or a physical product, they behave more like real users, and not just like someone with an opinion. For this project, students will develop their ideas further by creating and testing two different kinds of prototypes.  Teams will create a brand identity and perform web marketing to discover a potential audience for their concept (also called a "Web probe"). Teams will also create a service enactment (also called a "concierge MVP") to evaluate the envisioned experience with early adopters

Learning Goals:


Your grade for this assignment will be determined based on the PDF of your slide deck submitted to Canvas:

What to do

This assignment starts in Week 6 and finishes at the end of Week 8. The final graded deliverable is a PDF of your slide deck posted to Canvas (by only one team member) by 11:59pm on May 26 May 29. All other dates below are interim deadlines to share work-in-progress drafts. Please share drafts as links in the Team Dashboard before class on the days we are scheduled to share and critique (drafts are not graded).  We include interim deadlines and guidelines on number of homework hours and teammates to allocate to each step [in brackets]. This assignment adds up to ~5-6 hours of work per teammate outside of lecture and studio.

Here are a couple of good example presentations from prior teams in this class:

The team should organize the team Google folder.  Team leader should turn in a PDF of the A4 slide decks. [Due Friday May 26 Monday May 29 by 11:59pm.] 

This is a complex assignment with many moving parts.  Teams of 4-5 people typically split (i.e., two groups of 2-3 people) so that one half focuses on the branding and Web probe, and the other half focuses on the lo-fi prototype and the concierge MVP enactments with potential customers. 

Resources and Tools

Grading Rubric

Students will be graded as a team for A4. This includes materials in the team folder, as well as the overview slides submitted as a PDF to Canvas.  Grades will be based on the following considerations: